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About New Life Pastor

Kevin’s experiences as a lead pastor range from planting a church on the Native American Duck Valley Reservation in Nevada, to pastoring a church of over 600 in regular Sunday attendance. While serving as the pastor of First Baptist Church in Longview, WA, Kevin was actively involved with the Northwest Baptist Convention serving in various positions, including a two-year term as president of the convention. In addition, Kevin served eight years as the Executive Director of the Nevada State Baptist Convention. Kevin holds a Masters of Divinity from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (now Gateway Seminary).
Kevin and his wife DeeEdrah have four children, all of whom are married and actively serving God in various capacities around the world. They have five grandchildren who love it when Papa acts silly with them and chases them around (sometimes wearing a superhero costume – that’s what we heard anyway!).
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
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